Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 14

Warning : If you don't like reading negative thoughts please stop reading now. Sorry it has been so long between posts but it has been rather hectic here. As I write this I am feeling a bit deflated; I had my first weigh in since the start of this process today and I weigh 134.4 kgs. So this means in just over two weeks I have lost a grand total of 1.8 kgs.I know before you all start hollering gradual weight loss and change of habits is best overall, but after not drinking anything other than water for two weeks and watching what I was eating fairly closely I was hoping for a better result than this. I have not gone too hard with the exercise yet and I realise that this will play a big part in the longer journey as well.I have been completely blown away but everyones interest in my journey and all your support. I promise I will update things more regularly from now on.


  1. Go DAZ!!! I can't help myself...there's nothing wrong with a kilo a week!
    Now get your butt moving, as in, into the exercise!
    Love what you're doing and love you too.

  2. I am on the weight loss journey also.... :)

  3. Darren even a little weight loss is brilliant. You will loose a fair bit one week (or however often your weigh ins are) and then the next time you may not move, or even put some on. Don't worry about how much you loose as long as you loose a little each time and if you do happen to put some on you don't put it on two weigh ins running. (I found that can be really hard sometimes).
    Best of luck mate and I am praying and cheering for you to continue with you loss.
    If you want to support people try heading to the relay for life next weekend and do some walking (a great way to exercise while supporting people and friends).

  4. This is an awesome adventure! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. How is it going now Darren? Little steps are the way to go, just think how much healthier you will be for your family!
